Conscious Connection Springtime Yoga Series 2024

Conscious Connection Springtime Yoga Series 2024

Slowly but surely, the days are growing longer again, and more and more sunrays begin to brighten them. And it’s tempting to pack all our winter clothes away and leave the winter behind as quickly as possible. But as with every transition, it’s helpful to take time to reflect and move forward mindfully as you blossom into spring.

After your great feedback on the Conscious Holiday Connection Series over Christmas and the New Year, I wanted to create a similar experience for you as we emerge from our “hibernation” into springtime. The Conscious Connection Springtime Series will take place over the Easter weekend from 27 March – 1 April. The series vinyasa flow, alignment, yin yoga, and meditation, as usual, accompanied by a digital handbook – and also includes your ticket to join the live Inside Flow class on 27 March to kick off the series! After the live Inside Flow (replay provided until 1 April), you will then receive 5 days of pre-recorded practices each approx. 30 minutes long and designed to help you to blossom into spring in exactly the way you want to 🌸
(NOTE: all pre-recorded classes are available until 30th April!)

Conscious Connection Springtime Yoga Series 2024

Videos coming soon